With the very speedy arrival of our little girl at home we were in shock for a bit and had to keep pinching ourselves to make sure it was all really true. This is a day that I will never forget and a story that I've kept close to my heart as the raw emotion of such an experience is one that I can not explain. None the less, I'm now ready to share with you all the story of how Miss Charlotte Grace entered this world...
We have just moved house and were in the process of cleaning up the old house. Saturday was the day that we were finally going to complete everything at the old house and we would finally be free of it. I had a restless night and had woken up in a bit of pain however put it aside as I had the daunting task of cleaning an entire house whilst 40 weeks pregnant in front of me.
The day went well and everything got done, despite my growing pain in the bottom of my tummy that constantly gave me grief. The cleaning, steam cleaning, mowing and garbage removal had all been completed. Yes finally free and on our way home. It was however on the trip home that it became apparent to me those pains I'd had all day were all of a sudden coming regularly... I convinced myself that they were not contractions as it was nothing like the full tummy contractions I'd experienced with bubs #1.. it was just pain like I was busting for the toilet.. I'll be fine!
Little did I know that 3 hours later I'd be holding our precious little girl in my arms whilst laying on our en suit floor! That's right our bundle of joy decided to enter the world in a hurry.
Once home I rushed to the toilet whilst hubby unpacked the car. We had decided that a bath then a call to our midwife was the plan of attack. However our little girl had a different idea and whilst hubby ran a bath I went into full labour with my waters breaking the min hubby came to get me. I calmly told hubby that my waters had broken followed quickly with a panic yell of oh god I need to push.
After Hubby freaked out as our 2 year old had hidden his mobile he grabbed my mobile and calmly asked me "Who should I call first.. your mum??" I reinforced that I have an urge to push and that we needed 000 NOW!! The 000 lady was wonderful. Guiding us through each step with instructions and encouragement, we were extremely grateful we had her. I didn't want to push till we had paramedics but hubby reassured me that we were OK and could do this alone. And so three contractions later bubs was born with her 2 year old brother looking on. We had done it.. however we could not relax yet. Bubs had the cord around her neck and hubby was panicking as he didn't know what to do. I sprang into action and without thinking grabbed bubs pulling the cord up and over her head. She was OK.. I wiped her face, she was crying and pink. Thank goodness she was OK. I held her close to me as the paramedics arrived and now we were able to relax as we had help at hand.
Bubs and I stayed in hozzy overnight and then returned home where we were more comfortable.
We were showered with well wishes, flowers and gifts. Everyone was very excited and want to know all about the extraordinary unplanned home birth.
I however was still in shock!
And as everyone around me said how wonderful it was I could not help but feel guilt and worrier. Guilty that if only I had not ignored the pain then our experience would have been how we had planed for.. in hozzy with our midwife, my hubby and my mum. At home alone was frightening and somewhat traumatic as our 2 year old had witnessed the entire thing with clenched fists screaming in worry and concern.. mummy was in pain screaming and he hated every min of it!
I worried for the well being of our son. I hated the fact that I was in so much pain that I could not console him and constantly have the vision of him screaming and shaking with fright. Would he remember it, be scared for life from it or hate me for it?
I was worrying about so many things, my emotions had turned into a whirlwind going from ore, to disbelief, to what if.. what if something went wrong... what if I could not have got that cord loose from around her neck or if she stopped breathing... But nothing went wrong.. were all OK and our son knows none of what he saw.
So now a little over a month on I can look back and be thankful.
Thankful we have a beautiful healthy little girl who one day will here her amazing story of how she quickly entered this world.
And a little advice for all those second time round mums... its not guaranteed to be just like the first time so don't ignore what you might brush off as little pains!!
p.s. Sorry for being mia recently.. our little princess is keeping me from blogging as I'm LOVING every minute I have with her!