Sunday 30 September 2012

Home Organising System 1 - grocery plan

Well it’s the first day of October and whilst it might just be the start of another month, for this household it means the start of a few new home organisation systems that were going to start.

There are 4 main systems that I’ll be putting into practice : A new grocery shopping plan, a toy box-a-day system, a laundry schedule and a cleaning schedule.

I’ll share with you in detail over the next couple of days the systems were putting into practice in order to have a cleaner more practical home. At the end of the month I’ll let you know the result, what worked what needed tweaking and if I’ve scraped any.

First up A new grocery shopping  plan

As our local farmers market occurs each Monday so it makes sense for me to meal plan and head out to grab the fresh local fruit and veg that are better priced than what you find in the grocery store.

I’ll then head to our local butcher then finish up at Safeway to grab anything else. It makes for a long trip with two kids to lug around however I’m sure it will be worth it. Nothing beats fresh local fruit and veg!

Once home I then prep all our food taking the time to go through the fruit and vegies and pre-wash and chop any that I can before put them away.
Pre-cutting all our veg then placing it into my Tupperware containers makes should make it easier each night at dinner rush time. I like the idea of just being able to go to the fridge and grab out any that you need to use with dinner!!!

I’m hoping this system will saves us a lot of time and money. Hopefully by having it pre-cut I’ll be more likely to use it all up and thus the amount that I throw away will decrease.

 Less waste = saved $$

Do you precut your fruit and vegie? How has it worked out for you?

Would love to hear you tips or ideas on making dinner time easier so please feel free to share



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