Thursday 5 July 2012

New Do

Time for a change... I've been feeling a bit down of late probably due to this pregnancy not being so lovely as the last. Having morning sickness the majority of the time, feeling fat and generally downing negative thoughts on my entire appearance called for a change.
So I decided it was time to try spruce myself up with a dramatic change of hair style... as we do!

I came across this lovely hair do on pinterest and instantly loved it. The idea of having something easy to maintain yet still a style really appealed to me.

This my ultimate hair style goal
 I currently have long, frizzy hair that I always chuck up into a ponytail as it is so hard to control and style. So I decided it was time to come off!

With much hesitation from my sister who is a hairdresser I finally convinced her to just chop it! She was so concerned that it was a pregnancy hormonal thing that I was going to majorly regret.. but I managed to convince her otherwise and so the chop was done!!

Chopped.. an arm length of hair off

And I'm very happy to report that there was no regret what so ever! I can not remember the last time I had short hair but wow my head instantly felt lighter and my mood instantly lifted!

I just kept running my fingers through it and smiling stupidly! lol. My wonderful sis then styled it for me and walla ... MY NEW DO!

My new do!

OK so it is not exactly like my original pic that I love but it is dam close. I came to the conclusion with a little learning on how to get volume into the back of my hair and it would be perfect! Overall it's totally better than what I originally had. My hair finally looks shiny, healthy and glowing like I always see on others. Who would have thought a simple hair cut would spruce me up so

Even my straight out of bed hair style look pretty good don't you think.. lol

I'm finding it so much easier to control and style. All I have to do is run my hair rolling brush through it and I'm done! Quick, simple and effective so with bub's number 2 on the was I'm confident that I will now look good even in the sleep deprived states that are yet to come :0)

So any of you out there trying to decide i you should or should not take the hair cutting plunge... I say DO IT!! Worst case you grow it back right.

It might be just hair but it certainly has made me feel a lot better!


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