Wednesday 30 May 2012

Our Boys Bedroom Redo

Having been inspired by so many of the wonderful bloggers I follow I finally decided it as time to reorganise our little mans bedroom. Where to start is always my problem however this time around I started with a list. A list of items that I would need to buy in order to achieve an eye pleasing room. I had been taking mental notes from the wonderful Jade at Super Organised Mum for quite some time as I had drooled over her kids rooms and so the list was relatively easy. It was just a matter of slowly gathering all the supplies needed.. a trip to the beloved stores such as Target, Ikea and Spotlight would fix this.

And so I started... and I remembered to take a before pic for you all to see this time :0)

First I cleared out all the toys... and boy does our little man have a truck load of toys! Especially soft toys. So out came the 'To Charity' box and with the approach of one stays and one goes the toys were decluttered.

Next I rearranged the furniture and just by doing that I was so pleased at how better this space already looked.
*I have plans to update the old set of draws seen here but that's another project for another time!

The next task was to hit the wardrobe. I went through all LJ's cloths and got rid of anything that does not fit or he simply does not wear. I printed off labels as to the order the clothes were to go back (idea from Jade) and am hoping this will also help hubby stay on the same page as me.

On the RHS of the wardrobe we have our space for hanging. I'm a big fan of hanging up as many cloths as possible thus reducing my time on folding washing. However in saying this due to limited hanging space there are some things that I can not hang and these have been placed in the hanging storage.
RHS of Wardrobe
Now I had searched for some hanging storage for quiet some time and think hubby became a little tired of me winging about not being able to purchase white hanging storage at a reasonable price.. lol poor hubby. Finally I came across blue and white hanging storage at my local $2 shop and so I decided they were eye pleasing enough to be used ;0) I purchased a matching set one for clothing and one for shoes. Such items as spare coat hangers, singlet tops, shorts, pj's, swimming gear and dressing gown are all stored here. I also used labelled on each shelf here so things go back where they belong.

Below the hanging space is where we will keep our little mans toys. All sorted for one box each day to come out and be played with and put away. (I'll go into detail in a later post to show you what I've done there).

Next out came the Ikea boxes to be put together. They fit perfectly in our built in shelving and are so easy to put together. In them I have stored (from bottom to top) a.Cloths to grow in to, b. Books and c.Memorabilia. With the top shelf being our nappy changing station consisting of our B-Box that holds a few nappies, wipes and disposable bags. I also have cream and antibacterial gel in the little blue box next to the b-box, well up high out of little fingers reach.

LHS of Wardrobe
Now all that was let to do was the fun part... sprucing up the room with some deco items. YAY.. my favourite bit!

First up went the wonderful Ikea hanging tube and in went all LJ's soft toys. Next I up went the white box shelving that I purchased from Kmart. To these I added some of our precious soft toys and accessories.

To finish off the wall I popped up some pictures I purchased off eBay

Below I added a little reading nook where LJ can sit on his Caterpillar pillow pet and read some books

And there we have it.. LJ's room is done

And I must say I'm very happy with what I've done!


  1. Ohh Kylie that looks fantastic Kylie!!
    Love the colour scheme!

    1. Thanks so much Liz. I'm very happy with it and it was easier that I thought. Has certainly given me the inspiration to do the rest of the house :0)

  2. That looks soo good!! You've done a great job!! Hows the little man liking his new room?

  3. Thanks Tubbah. Our little man LOVES his new room. So much that he still climbs into bed looks up at his wall and points in excitement at the teddies and So cute but a little frustrating after the 10th time of him saying look and me replying yes mate I know now go to sleep. ha ha :)
